After much pulling out of hair, the photographs taken on location at sites such as Min40, Min58 & Min18 have been put on Flickr are all available for viewing, as well as pictures taken at the live quarry in Ashwicken, and other sites such as Bawsey.
I hope this gives you a sense of what we stand to lose if these proposals are allowed to go ahead.
Also bear in mind that on my visits to Min40 for example, there is continous birdsong from skylarks, and more recently has been visited by migrants from Africa, sand martins, house martins and swallows. Min58 at West Bilney had its share of willow warblers and chiffchaff and whitethroat, as well as yellowhammer.
These are unique wildlife habitats, that deserve our protection, not to be allowed to be destroyed by greed for a few flatscreen TVs.
There is now a slideshow icon on the site and a link to photographs underneath it.
You can view the photos and leave comments. Locate the slideshow button on the Flickr site and sit back and enjoy the pictures of our beautiful countryside. You can contrast those with the scenes of devastation from our surrounding areas.
Thanks to our editorial team for the rich selection.
You may even want to visit the sites yourself.
I don't recommend visiting the live quarries without talking to WBB Minerals first. They have offered to show us round.
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