There are at least two good reasons why you might not want a large local mineral company quarrying silica sand on your doorstep.
1) Cancer Risks
2) Silicosis Risks
The council appears determined to give us both a quarry in East Winch and also a potentially dangerous incinerator at Saddlebow in King's Lynn, despite concerted opposition from local people. There was even a vote against it which appears to have been completely ignored.
I have attached a link to a report REPORT ON CARCINOGENS, ELEVENTH EDITION (issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program) so you can read about just how dangerous Respirable Crystalline Silica (or RCS - the dust created from Silica Sand Quarrying) can be.
An extract from the beginning of the document follows below:
Respirable crystalline silica, primarily quartz dusts occurring in
industrial and occupational settings, is known to be a human carcinogen, based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity from studies in humans indicating a causal relationship between exposure to respirable crystalline silica and increased lung cancer rates in workers exposed to crystalline silica dust."
And...at the bottom of page two...
"Nonoccupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica results from natural processes and anthropogenic sources; silica is a common air contaminant. Residents near quarries and sand and gravel operations are potentially exposed to respirable crystalline silica."
The link to the full report is here:
This may explain why a local villager has lost 13 of his relatives to cancer who either worked in or lived near the sandpits.
There are also risks of contracting Silicosis.
Ironically, the Government, apparently intent on harvesting Silica Sand from in and around the King's Lynn area (and wiping out the nature walk at "MIN40" in the process) have issued this document highlighting the dangers of silica sand, and the risks of silicosis via The Health and Safety Executive.
The document, [HSE information sheet on Silica
Construction Information Sheet No 36 Revision 1] states:
“Breathing in the very fine dust of crystalline silica can lead
to the development of silicosis. This involves scarring of
the lung tissue and can lead to breathing difficulties.
Exposure to very high concentrations over a relatively
short period of time can cause acute silicosis, resulting in
rapidly progressive breathlessness and death within a few
months of onset.”
Here's a picture of a healthy lung...
Here's what a lung looks like with silicosis...
I have attached the links to the original article so you can see where these came from.
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