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East Winch Parish CouncilResponses to Norfolk County Council Re. Norfolk Mineral and Waste Development Framework.
Section: 6.4 Issue 2 “ Cumulative Impact of Development, How Option DC1
would be implemented
Whilst it is understood that there is a continuous requirement for minerals
With regard to Silica Sand, it is understood to be a strategic mineral
which occurs in certain areas. However sand and gravel must be considered
to be readily available in numerous sites in West Norfolk. It is felt by
parishioners that there are sufficient workings in this Parish and that
further developments of this nature are not desirable. Therefore the
feeling is that when a strategic mineral such as Silica sand is found in an
area with large sites to extract this there should not also be large sand
and gravel sites in the same area.
Option CS2 - Spatial Distribution of Development
This option as it stands will allow the same areas to be inundated with
Mineral and Waste sites and possibly become just one large hole in the
ground. It is understood that there is a continuous requirement for
minerals but it is felt by parishioners that there are sufficient workings
in this Parish and that further developments of this nature are not
desirable in the same area and sites should be well spread across the
Section: 8.4 Issue 12 “ Waste going to Landfill, How Option DC5 would be
It is recognised that there have to be Waste Disposal sites but West
Norfolk is adequately served by the landfill site at Blackborough End and
any extension of this facility would be unwelcome and be considered an
imposition by all residents therefore there should be no more landfill sites
Section: 9.6 Issue 18.1 “ Lorry routes, How Option CS6 & DC6 would be
It will be recognised that the parish of East Winch and many other small
parishes are served by a system of minor roads and lanes all of which are
neither suitable nor capable of additional traffic. Apart from the A47 trunk
road all other roads in the parish are already in a dilapidated condition
and any further traffic such as mineral and waste lorries would cause them
to become unsafe for normal traffic. The routing of lorries should not
only be secured through planning conditions but should also be strictly
Preferred Option DC10. Development Control – Sustainable Construction and Operations. Section: 10.18 Issues 7, 31, 34, 36 and 37“ Recycled and Secondary
Aggregates, Water Resources, Flood Risk/Drainage, Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
How Option DC10 would be implemented.
The Parish of East Winch is known for its environmental diversity from the
SSSI area surrounding the old gravel workings situated within and adjacent
to the parish continuing on through woodland and open landscape of natural
beauty. There are recreational facilities in the immediate area for
boating, quiet fishing and bird watching. Any devaluation of these
facilities would be unacceptable to some 130,000 people within the Borough
of King's Lynn and West Norfolk. All developments whether large all small
should covered by enforceable conditions, not just guidance.
It may be seen from all of the above that major expansion of the already working mineral extraction facilities in the Parish would be both unwelcome and devaluing of amenities and lifestyle in this Parish.
Section: MIN 40 - East Winch.
Grandcourt Farm.
It is appreciated that silica sand is a strategic mineral and only occurs
in certain areas but the scale of the proposed site is felt to be excessive
as it encroaches too much on to the residential area of East Winch village.
There is a possibility that an area of half the size may be acceptable with
adequate vegetation screening.
Section: MIN 40 - East Winch, MIN 40 - highways
Although the site is located adjacent to the A47 trunk road access from the
site onto this would not be acceptable. The site should be accessed from an
internal access road.
Explanation for above statements re. Grancourt Farm.
As Silica Sand is a strategic mineral and local policy will undoubtedly be overruled by national policy any reduction that can be gained on the proposed area of the site needs to be negotiated now and definitely at the next stage of consultation when it will be know which sites will be included in the final proposal and ultimately at the Planning Application stage which may not be for many years if the site is included.