I have attached the some extracts from the Council's correspondence above.
This relates to the land immediately to the west of MIN 40, and had planning permission granted only 7/09/07.
This begs the question...
How many East Winch residents knew?
There were only two objection letters "balanced" it would appear by 2 letters in favour. Conservation bodies and councillors alike let it go through without telling us and with out so much as a whimper.
Given that we now have over 100 signatures on our e-petition in just two weeks for MIN 40, I am sure we would have had at least that many had this been properly communicated at the time.
The tract of land threatens 500 year old oaks whose loss would be "regrettable".
Further more any lakes built are subject to a bird management plan which means it won't attract birds in case they collect in large numbers and collide with the jets from RAF Marham.
Have a look and write those letters!
This will also enable the company to link up to the north with their "secret" northern quarry / carbunkle / blot on the landscape which could be the death of us all.
And we are electing these people and paying them to represent us.
Our council tax is paying them to create a potential death camp in West Norfolk. A land, given time, devoid of both animal and human life.
Is your life worth a flat screen TV?
Are your children's lives worth a glass bottle?
Is the destruction of the beautiful countryside is anyway justified?
Can anyone think of a reason to carry on paying their council tax?
They need to see sense.
So much for the government's claim on their 2007 budget document
Building "Britain's future: Fairness and prosperity for families"
Why is Silica Sand so important?
Is it really more important than people?
The government and those assembled who approved this / did not object thought so.
And why no mention of Health Risks?
"Health & Safety Executive - No Objection."
Perhaps they don't read their own literature!
Vote Now.
"Man's inhumanity to man is not only perpetrated by the vitriolic actions of those who are bad. It is also perpetrated by the vitiating inaction of those who are good."
Martin Luther King
1 a: a sulfate of any of various metals (as copper, iron, or zinc); especially : a glassy hydrate of such a sulfate b: oil of vitriol
2: something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality; especially : virulence of feeling or of speech
1 : to make faulty or defective : impair
2 : to debase in moral or aesthetic status a mind vitiated by prejudice
3 : to make ineffective
Source: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary
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