A quick outline of the meeting...Minutes to be issued in due course.
East Winch Action Group had a well attended meeting today at 2 p.m. in East Winch Village Hall when nearly 100 people turned out to get an update on progress made.
The team re-elected the Action Group Committee (known as the CAG = Command Action Group) and Paul Edwards stepped down from the chairman's role and passed this onto Neil Paddock, with the approval of those present. Paul emphasised that he would still be playing an active part in future proceedings as part of the Command Action Group.
Further appointments to the Group that were reconfirmed included Nell Steele (Deputy Chairman), Paul Edwards, Terry Robertson, Wayne Footer and Mike Rawlings (Command Action Group).
We heard that the primary focus of the meeting was to get the objection forms back to the council in good time for the April 25th deadline, and a covering letter would be drafted which would extend to the other local sites proposed, to save us from having to complete objections for each site.
Neil Paddock introduced himself to those assembled and read out the previous meeting's minutes.
Paul Edwards provided an update on activities, including work on the website, local press interest and dialog with other local action groups, including ERASE and Save Pentney.
Paul requested everyone assembled to pass on emails to their friends and family to sign our e-petition for MIN 40 (The land to the east of Grandcourt Farm).
Paul also mentioned our plan to drive the completed forms to NCC, obtain a receipt and had a photograph taken at the point of delivery.
Residents were encouraged to keep a copy of what they had sent.
Terry Robertson was congratulated for his part in organising the delivery to local residents of the Objection Forms.
A show of hands demonstrated that the majority of the room had forms and had completed them, either online or as a hard copy.
Terry also mentioned that he had written to Bill Bryson, Martin Brundle and Stephen Fry to support our campaign.
Mike Rawlings read out the Parish Council's response to NCC's Proposal of MIN 40 together with his response to particular paragraphs from that letter.
Mike's response was extremely well received by those assembled.
Nell Steele proposed that a letter be drafted to the Parish Council to express our views.
Nell also expressed her concerns about the proposals and their affect on local wildlife.
We discussed how we might best make contact with local landowners, councillors and other parties going forward.
Those assembled voted unanimously to include West Bilney and MIN 58 within the scope of our objections to NCC and be part of the Action Group's remit.
We established that the majority of those present could be kept informed electronically, and we would also make use of local notice boards and the Post Office. It was proposed that those with internet access to share with their neighbours who aren't currently online.
One resident gave us a touching testimony that 13 of his family had worked in the pits, or lived by them, and had since tragically died of cancer. He added that 75% of the people he had worked with over the years had also died of cancer. A transcript and recording of that will be made available in due course.
Neil Paddock informed those assembled of the existing planning permission given in 2004 in the field to the west of MIN 40 and area about twice its size, and the existing silica sand quarry in the north, highlighted by the map provided by the Exploited Region Against Silica Extraction (ERASE) group.
Neil also mentioned the opinion of a local expert, who warned of an airborne particle called PM10 created by quarrying, which causes significant health effects to those who had inhaled them.
That report would be passed on in full to the Command Action Group (Committee).
Mike read out a response from WBB Minerals about the effects of sand and dust from their 2004 planning application for the west side of Grandcourt Farm.
It was agreed that a fund would be set up to reimburse Action Group Members for printing costs and similar expenses.
It was also agreed that Objection Forms were to be dropped off by residents next Sunday 20th April at the Village Hall between 10am and 2pm, where assistance would be given with completion if required. It was proposed that donations could be made to the fund starting from that date.
Any Other Business
A draft Mission Statement and Code of Conduct/Ethics for those elected to EWAG had been produced and would be passed onto the CAG for perusal and amendment.
Once approved it would be signed off by all members and made available.
One resident expressed his opinion about current world food shortages and questioned the rationale of the government to destroy arable land in order to mine silica sand. He also mentioned there was a Hobby present on MIN 40.
Another resident requested a full list of future meeting dates for the Parish Council, and copies of the draft mission statement and code of conduct.
A question was asked about the timescale for the development to the west of MIN 40
The full duration of which would be about 12 years.
Meeting Closed Approx 4:30pm
[Note: any significant omissions are the responsibility of the Webmaster]
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